My Goals For 2017

Today I thought I'd share my goals for 2017. In my last post I discussed my 2016 goals and the progress I hadContinue Reading >

2016 Goals: Did I Achieve Them ?

Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Can you believe it's 2017 already? Last year just flew byContinue Reading >

A Gratitude List

It's New Years Eve so I thought I'd make a list of things I'm grateful for. Continue Reading >

8 Reads I've Enjoyed This Month.

Can you believe Christmas is only two sleeps away? I thought I'd get into the Christmas spirit and share some love - hereContinue Reading >

Life Lately

Can you believe it's almost Christmas? The last couple of weeks have flown by. It all feels like a bit of a blurContinue Reading >

Sarah's Abode

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